PUTTING RFK JR. IN CHARGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH, to some of us, may seem darkly satirical given his brain-worm, whale-head, bear-corpse, and anti-vaccine proclivities, not to say other batshit conspiracy craziness. Recently, as another example, is his intention to eliminate U.S. fluoridated water.
A Communist Conspiracy? Years ago, a complaint among whackos was that fluorides would lessen our resistance to communist takeover. I recall telling a proponent that I’d drunk fluoridated water for years—and he said simply, “See….” A tough one to counter, eh, tovarishch?
This Time Around, a Nuanced Matter. Among the many information sources available to me, I have trust in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, its Science magazine, and its various Member Community online forums.

Recently, the subject of RFK Jr. came up in such a AAAS commentary in its COVID-19 and Emerging Infectious Diseases Digest, November 10-11, 2024. The comments were, as expected, cogent and informed. I learned more about COVID-19 as well as on the matter of fluoridation. Here in Parts 1 and 2 are tidbits gleaned from this AAAS Member Community.
These are public discourses, and indeed several of the AAAS contributors have been quoted previously here at SimanaitisSays.
Idaho Districts and COVID. Regular contributor Robert Dodge cites that “Some districts in Idaho have stopped offering the COVID vaccine altogether: www.cbsnews.com/news/….”

Physics professor Elisabeth Atems writes, “RFK Jr. has reportedly called the COVID-19 vaccines ‘poison’ (not sure if he’s limited that characterization to the mRNA vaccines) and says they’ve killed ‘millions of people.’ ”
She continues, “His position on the MMR vaccine is more unconscionable—from reports I’ve read, he still believes the vaccine causes autism—essentially the Wakefield theory, based on fraudulent research and long since retracted, and for which there is now zero scientific basis.”
She then raises the matter of fluoridation: “Does federal government have the authority to stop fluoridation of public drinking water? Fluoridation is implemented on the local level in this country, either the state or municipal level. Given the ubiquity of fluoride in toothpaste and other products today, this might not be a harmful move, but if it’s done by fiat, it will ignite an unwanted firestorm in the community.”
A Middle Ground? Ronnie Hawkins, another regular contributor, writes, “A shame we are so polarized—we need some responsible people to stake out a common ‘middle ground’ ”!
This is a point that recurs in several Member Community forums.
Researcher Dodge responds, “At this point I can’t even imagine what a ‘middle ground’ would look like. Fasten your seatbelts!”
And another regular contributor, Michael Tobias, says, “Just like putting the fox in the Hen house. Perhaps R. F. K. Jr. can be educated in the health sciences. Let us hope!”
Alas, my hope of the latter is not great.
Tomorrow in Part 2, we’ll continue with this lively and informed discussion. ds
© Dennis Simanaitis, SimanaitisSays.com, 2024